Monday, October 28, 2013

Red Ribbon Week


So I'm sure everyone is in full swing with Red Ribbon Week, right? In order to help my 5th graders get excited and have conversation starters, we will be doing some "minion" writing and crafting our own drug free little friends.

Every school is different, so I thought I would make a minion like below (click here for template) and needed a quick template. I pretty much winged my craft, but with students, it's so much easier having a template. You can have them color and glue together or just add cardstock in blue and yellow. If you are one of those teachers, you may need black for your shoes and gloves. I just filled mine in with black marker.

I will probably have my students write in the voice of the minion of why it's great to be drug free. My hope is to decorate my door like a big minion with the tag line "All Minions Agree! It's great to be Drug Free!"

Have a great week! Here is a quick sheet in case you'd like to add some research this week to your centers! Happy Teaching!

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