
Saturday, February 2, 2013

And I don't like to blog....


Is that bad?

I seriously don't. Maybe it goes back to the trauma I got for losing my diary in junior high?? And it traveling to high school and coming back to me........from some group of guys who "felt sorry for me" and bought me a new diary with a LOCK! Oh, junior high. How my world ended on a daily basis! haha!

I just don't like blogging. Although, I LOVE reading and leaving comments on other people's blogs! And I love sharing ideas! I just don't like

Maybe if I just posted pictures? Or links?

Other than that, tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday. Huge sale going on at Teacher's Notebook AND TpT!!!! I'm trying to get stuff up in time. And with that, I did. I have so much work that needs to go up, but in between data, data, data meetings, data testing, data reflecting, data dancing, data dreaming (when can I teach?) and trying get normal work done, I have neglected so many projects.

but my Lucky 7 Literacy is up. And free. For a bit.

Enjoy Teacher friends. My prayers are with you!!! =)


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