
Monday, November 12, 2012

David Crowder and I

So this post has nothing to do with teaching other than I completely and immensely enjoyed myself at SpritiFest 2012 in Corpus Christi, Texas!

Let me just say, I La La La LOVE David Crowder and Switchfoot. If you haven't seen them in concert, by all means GO! I love both of these so very much and right now I am jamming to David's A Requrieum Mass in C! I LOVE it!!! But most importantly, I got to meet the tall humble musician. The man is just gracious and just oozes out humility. What a blessing!

Switchfoot. Wow. Can I just say I saw and heard several big bands and no one, other than David Crowder had the stage presence and humility as Switchfoot. If you know these two Christian bands, you'll know they both have very different sounds, but not really. Switchfoot can be sweet and gentle and yet, so rock and roll!!! Ahhhh!!! Okay, enough.

but really. As teachers, how much time do you devote to just leaving the classroom and enjoying life? I know sometimes I can get so steeped into it. Like right now. Benchmarks. Another "computer program" coming in to do intervention (fast4ward and istation) and doing some action research in the classroom. Add a sprinkle of grades, meetings, lesson plans and emails later, I'd say we teachers have a plate full. But guess what? Plan one day of sheer abandonment of fun. Once a month. Once a week. Just do it.

You'll come back completely energized for more! How do I know?

Because I am!!

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