
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Let's get ready to RUMBLE!!!

I am LOVING my students!!! The first week was.....

SUCH a long week. The routines. The repetition. The "let's go back and try that again."

I'm a broken record. I don't ever remember the first weeks of school of past years. I think I usually suppress those memories.

But OH MY WORD. My students are SO STINKING ADORABLE! I am having a hard time though. We switched the curriculum 3 days BEFORE school started.



I had plans. I had prepared. I was READY.

Now I feel like a fish out of water. I HATE that feeling. I mean almost NO TIME to study, plan, prepare! But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I'm not out for a pity party, but let's be real. Any teacher will tell you, planning is EVERYTHING. I had to re-think everything to make work in less than 72 hours.

So, I've just prayed and told Jesus to take the wheel. I've embraced my small cross, and thanked God for it. There is always a reason, everything is a part of God's plan and I firmly believe that. I really think it has let me soar through these couple of weeks. I'm growing, as a professional and working as hard and fast as my little fingers can go. I'm using Whole Brain Teaching, Daily 5, Guided Reading and I am LOVING it!!!! I am also using Class Dojo in addition to my other behavior management systems. (Does one thing EVER work?)

 I really think when we surrender all to God, He is our help! And a rosary every night has helped tremendously.  It has helped me remain positive and hopeful. I think in the past, I could have eaten the french cries and drank the whines away. But who wants to live like that? Working with students, we are all they have! So why not be the best? I know we aren't superhero's, I know I can't save the world, but if I can do my part, I think that is what it's all about.

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." ~ St. Augustine

New stuff I have posted at TpT: check them out!

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